37.0 Trabant vs. South America
This is another proud announcement: Avocado release 37.0, aka “Trabant vs. South America”, is now out!
Release documentation: Avocado 37.0
This release is yet another collection of bug fixes and some new features. Along with the same changes that made the 36.0lts release[1], this brings the following additional changes:
TAP[2] version 12 support, bringing better integration with other test tools that accept this streaming format as input.
Added niceties on Avocado’s utility libraries “build” and “kernel”, such as automatic parallelism and resource caching. It makes tests such as “linuxbuild.py” (and your similar tests) run up to 10 times faster.
Fixed an issue where Avocado could leave processes behind after the test was finished.
Fixed a bug where the configuration for tests data directory would be ignored.
Fixed a bug where SIMPLE tests would not properly exit with WARN status.
For a complete list of changes please check the Avocado changelog[3].
For Avocado-VT, please check the full Avocado-VT changelog[4].
Happy hacking and testing!