Managing Requirements


Test requirements are supported only on the nrunner runner. To use this feature, remember to use --test-runner=nrunner argument.

A test’s requirement can be fulfilled by the Requirements Resolver feature.

Test’s requirements are specified in the test definition and are fulfilled based on the supported requirement type.

Test workflow with requirements

When a requirement is defined for a test, it is marked as a dependency for that test. The test will wait for all the requirements to complete successfully before it is started.

When any of the requirements defined on a test fails, the test is skipped.

Defining a test requirement

A test requirement is described in the JSON format. Following is an example of a requirement of type package:

{"type": "package", "name": "hello"}

To define a requirement for the test, use the test’s docstring with the format of keywords :avocado: requirement=. The following example shows the same package requirement showed above inside a test docstring:

from avocado import Test

class PassTest(Test):
    :avocado: requirement={"type": "package", "name": "hello"}
    def test(self):
        A success test

It is possible to define multiple requirements for a test. Following is an example using more than one requirement definition:

from avocado import Test

class PassTest(Test):
    :avocado: requirement={"type": "package", "name": "hello"}
    :avocado: requirement={"type": "package", "name": "bash"}
    def test(self):
        A success test

Defining a requirement in the class docstring will fulfill the requirement for every test within a test class. Defining a requirement in the test docstring will fulfill the requirement for that single test only.

Supported types of requirements

The following types of requirements are supported:


Support managing of packages using the Avocado Software Manager utility. The parameters available to use the package type of requirements are:

  • type: package
  • name: the package name (required)
  • action: one of install, check, or remove (optional, defaults to install)

Following is an example of a test using the Package requirement:

from avocado import Test

class PassTest(Test):

    Example test that passes.

    :avocado: requirement={"type": "package", "name": "hello"}

    def test(self):
        A test simply doesn't have to fail in order to pass


Support fetching assets using the Avocado Assets utility. The parameters available to use the asset type of requirements are:

  • type: asset
  • name: the file name or uri (required)
  • asset_has: hash of the file (optional)
  • algorithm: hash algorithm (optional)
  • locations: location(s) where the file can be fetched from (optional)
  • expire: time in seconds for the asset to expire (optional)